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Language customization

Languages on the user portal


Languages on the user portal

Languages on the user portal

You can customize some or all of the text strings in the existing language files, so that they are consistent with your company style and vocabulary.

You can also customize the text strings on the self-provisioning, and user login pages.

You can customize the text on the user portal home page, applications page, and authenticators page.

User portal landing page

The landing page is the first screen that appears when you access the user portal. After you click Start, the login pages appear.

The following images show the location of the key-value pairs on the user portal landing page:

alt_text          alt_text

The user portal name is specified on the Applications tab.

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the user portal landing page:

Key Default value
login.description With this portal, you can easily and securely access your applications and authenticators.
login.bookmark Bookmark this page for easy access to your user portal.
login.start Start
login.skip Skip this page and automatically take me to the login page next time.

User portal home page

The home page appears when you successfully log in to the user portal.

The following image shows the location of the text that you can customize on the home page:


The user portal name is specified on the Applications tab.

In the language files, you can customize the following values for the text on the user portal home page:

Key Value Help
app.language Language Menu
app.logout Logout
custom.infobox.userportal See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages
sidebar.home Home
sidebar.applications Applications
sidebar.authenticators Authenticators
applications.favorites Favorite Applications
home.viewAll View All
home.noFavorites You have no favorite applications yet.
authenticators.activeAuthenticators Active Authenticators
authenticators.tokenType There is a key-value pair for each token type.
authenticators.serial SERIAL:
authenticators.tokenState There is a key-value pair for each token state:
authenticators.lastUsed LAST USED: N/A

User portal applications page

The applications page appears when you click the applications icon on the side bar.

The following image shows the location of the key-value pairs on the applications page:


There are additional key-value pairs for searches and favorites:



In the language files, you can customize the following values for the applications page:

Key Value
custom.infobox.userportal See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages
applications.favorites Favorite Applications
applications.noFavorites Star some apps to add them to your favorites! Search
applications.removeFavorite Unfavorite
applications.others Other Applications
applications.addFavorite Favorite
applications.sortBy Sort by:
applications.byAlphabeticalOrder Alphabetical order
applications.byMostFrequentlyUsed Most frequently used
applications.byMostRecentlyUsed Most recently used
applications.noMatch No search results found.
applications.allInFavorite All the applications have been added to your favorites list.

User portal authenticators page

The applications page appears when you click the authenticators icon on the side bar.

The following image shows the location of the key-value pairs on the authenticators page:


In the language files, you can customize the following values for the authenticators page: 

Key Value
custom.infobox.userportal See Custom languages on the user portal and login pages
authenticators.authenticators Authenticators
authenticators.tokenType There is a key-value pair for each token type.
authenticators.tokenType.eToken eToken Security key, built-in sensor, or passkey GOLD
authenticators.tokenType.googleauthenticator GoogleAuthenticator
authenticators.tokenType.gridSure GrIDsure
authenticators.tokenType.kt KT
authenticators.tokenType.ldapAdPassword LDAP/AD Password
authenticators.tokenType.ldapPassword Domain Password
authenticators.tokenType.legacy Legacy
authenticators.tokenType.mobilePass+ MobilePASS+
authenticators.tokenType.mobilePass8 MobilePASS MP
authenticators.tokenType.oath OATH
authenticators.tokenType.radius RADIUS
authenticators.tokenType.rb RB
authenticators.tokenType.sms SMS
authenticators.tokenType.staticPassword Static Password
authenticators.deviceType There is a key-value pair for each device type. Android Phone Android Tablet
authenticators.deviceType.chromeos.desktop Chromebook
authenticators.deviceType.chromeos.tablet Chromebook
authenticators.deviceType.ios.ipad iPad
authenticators.deviceType.ios.iphone iPhone
authenticators.deviceType.macos.desktop Mac Windows Desktop Windows Phone Windows Tablet
authenticators.pushDisabled Push authentication disabled
authenticators.pushEnabled Push authentication enabled
authenticators.serial SERIAL:
authenticators.tokenState There is a key-value pair for each token state:
authenticators.tokenState.activeToken Active
authenticators.tokenState.allocated Allocated
authenticators.tokenState.autoRemove Deleted
authenticators.tokenState.corrupted Corrupt
authenticators.tokenState.corruptedInventory Corrupt Inventory
authenticators.tokenState.damagedToken Lost
authenticators.tokenState.enrolledPinChange Assigned
authenticators.tokenState.enrollmentPending Assigned
authenticators.tokenState.initialized Inventory
authenticators.tokenState.lostToken Lost
authenticators.tokenState.manualRemove Deleted
authenticators.tokenState.manualSuspension Suspended
authenticators.tokenState.manuallyAssigned Pending
authenticators.tokenState.notInitialized Initialize
authenticators.tokenState.pinChange Active
authenticators.tokenState.pinChangeLock Locked
authenticators.tokenState.purgedToken Purged
authenticators.tokenState.revoked Initialize
authenticators.tokenState.ruleSuspension Suspended
authenticators.tokenState.serverLock Locked
authenticators.tokenState.temporary Temporary
authenticators.tokenState.userLock Locked You will be asked to activate this authenticator the next time that you log in to a resource that requires it.
authenticators.lastUsed LAST USED: N/A

Error messages on the user portal

Error messages can appear in red at the top of the pages or below the field with the error.

Key Default value
applications.errorText This feature is temporarily not available. Please refresh the page or try again later.
applications.noApplications Your administrator has not defined any applications yet.
authenticators.errorText This feature is temporarily not available. Please refresh the page or try again later.
authenticators.noActiveAuthenticators You have no active authenticators yet. Add an extra layer of security by using one of your devices as an authenticator.
authenticators.noAuthenticators You have no authenticators yet. Add an extra layer of security by using one of your devices as an authenticator.